ASTONS Specialities has been collaborating with the Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN) since October 2018. APSN is a social services agency that provides special education for individuals with mild intellectual disabilities between an IQ of 50 to 70. Our group provides training, learning opportunities, co-branding and most importantly, formal employment opportunities for the trainees thereafter!
ASTONS Specialities provides all necessary trainings with an aim to adequately equip our trainees with the necessary culinary and service skills needed to be employable in the food and beverage industry.
Upon the café’s soft launch, the outlet has reported a whopping 40% increase in orders per day – and it really proves to be the biggest source of encouragement and support to our trainees as it highly motivates them to constantly learn and pick up new skills and work hard each day.
Founder and CEO of the ASTONS group, Mr. Aston Soon said, “Writing a cheque has the tendency to make us less involved, and more distanced from the cause; whereas collaborating requires sincerity, genuine care and involves us living up to our social responsibilities.”
Mr. Soon’s first encounter with the APSN trainees date back to year 2000 in one of his earlier jobs as a restaurant manager. He always believed that these individuals do have the innate potential and capabilities to perform day-to-day tasks. Today, he is extremely glad and grateful for this heartwarming opportunity to play a significant part in empowering and enabling these trainees a chance to be one with our society.